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Intention Focus Group - Health & Joy

We choose to live our lives in Health and Joy

222 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Intention Focus Group - Health and Joy Each participant will learn and practice receiving and releasing the quantum frequencies of Divine Love from intentional heart brain coherency. We desire to move away from problem solving to step into the Light of Love and the Divine to see, sense, and feel the desired outcome and thus are practicing being co-creators with the Divine as we align with intentionality to express our true nature creative beings living out our true purpose, experiencing health and vitality, and living the life we on a heart level genuinely Love. Through the process, we will step into the Divine nature of Christ Light where we will release an intentional heart thought (prayer, meditation) for one person who will be the receiver. There will be two receivers per group meeting. We will meet twice a week for 4 weeks.   The fascinating concept is that as the giver, the energetic vortex of the energy field becomes multiplied as it creates a mirrored reciprocity. Meaning, that whatever focused intentional thoughts you give (sow out), the same is energetically returns to you in multiplied proportions. Each person, no matter the giver or receiver, throughout the entire 12 weeks will experience a multiplied increase of all that is good as we set intentionality with heart brain coherency as we create within the field of Love. All the while we will be expanding our hearts to step into the desired outcome that we can energetically feel, sense and see through the lenses of Agape Love. Whatever issue you desire to bring to the group, all information is treated with respect, value, honor, with confidentiality as we each receive heart level prayer even if its for healing of body, soul, spirit, financial, relational, or destiny visions.  The bonus is that I will be training through sharing nuggets of truths on heart brain coherency, intentionality of focus, electro-magnetic energy of the heart, the frequency of Love, our oneness with Christ Light, cellular biology of belief, and the Glory realm. I thoroughly believe you will enjoy the golden nuggets which we will be practicing as we grow. This Intention group - Focused on Health and Joy is composed of 8 people. We desire a 4-week commitment in order to create a coherent community and synergistic energy within the group. The registration commitment to reserve your spot is 160 the 4 weeks. Thank you. I look forward to meeting you and enjoying our growth together In Grace, Rebecca

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